Red roses always speak of love and admiration and this hand-tied bouquet of a dozen short-stemmed red roses is perfect to send to someone special. The red roses are complemented by the pretty Ruscus foliage which adds the final elegant touch to this perennial favourite.
Disclaimers :
- Orders of flowers to be delivered within UK and received till 8.00 a.m. IST will be delivered in next 2-3 days .
- Kindly specify the delivery date.
- Please note that fresh flowers are sourced locally at the delivery location from one of the best bouquet shop in the city & will be hand delivered.
- No Deliveries on Sunday & National / Local Holidays.
- The image displayed is indicative in nature. Actual product may vary in shape or design as per the availability.
- Prices are inclusive of shipping charges & taxes.
- Order once placed will not be canceled or modified.
- Signature proof will not be provided after the delivery.
- If recipient door is found locked it will be left at the front door and order will be considered as delivered.
- Delivery attempt will be made only once, if recipient is absent. Order will be considered as delivered.